
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

From October 2008:

Super Cube

Back then I was sick of the MSM's fanatical love-fest with obama and I wanted to disengage from politics for a bit.

Today I'm sick of the fanatical left's monolithic hate-fest with Trump and I wanted to disengage from politics for a bit.

Funny how that worked out.

The BLOG note: Back in the day a dear blog friend and artist, MCF , drew his blog friends as super heroes and this was Super Cube according to him...

Well, he got the cube and the cat right.

Hope all is well with you MCF.


  1. Hey you sure are cute. In regards to that older post - It may have been a blessing in disguise that McCain lost.
    (1) He is a libtard and incompetent
    (2) 8 years of obama gave us Trump
    (3) 2016 would have seen clinton and some GOP schmuck running and clinton would have won.

    Now we have an opportunity for a political revolution if we can get enough conservatives running in the next elections to vanquish the democrats and rinos. (Hey, I can dream!)

    But that top part was serious. We'd have that nasty cackling, fugly, evil, America destroying piece of human garbage in the white house. I've said it many times before, I'd actually take obama over the beast.

  2. I love President Trump. I really do. He's shaking up everything and that needed doing a long time ago.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Kid: We need conservative candidates to run, but until now the RINOs were the only ones that were plugged into the money train. Moore's win in Alabama couldn't have happened back in the day, but it happened now and we should be heartened by his win.

    Slowly, slowly catchee monkey.

  4. Sandee: I've always loved people who posses a fighter spirit and Trump is a fighter. I'm glad he's on my side because I wouldn't want to be against him.

  5. what Kid and Sandee said...

  6. Jan: Yeah, that's what it all comes down to after all these years.

  7. Funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  8. I clicked the link. Wish I had those mad art skills but somehow my first born does. So what are your super powers?

  9. Messymimi: Ain't that the case.

  10. DaBlade: On the Marvel link there was a program where you could make yourself a super hero, hence Super Cube, and you didn't need mad art skills. Sometimes these things skip a generation so maybe that's where your first born got them.

    I have many super powers, but one of my worst ones is being able to make a New York cheesecake disappear ;)
