
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Big Time

You know, once you make the Addams family look normal you know you've hit it big.


  1. Reminds me of me and my Sweetie, i am very short and he is very tall. What i always say is that it makes you think of the long and short of things when you see us together.

  2. Creepy, cooky, mysterious and spooky...

  3. My mother's older sister was under 5' tall. Here spouse was over 6' tall. Talk about a strange looking pair. What LL said...

  4. You mean the Addams family isn't normal?

  5. Messymimi: I'm not commenting about just their difference in height. I'm 5'4" and my husband is 6' and of a stocky build. I'm talking about how creepy they look, especially her. I guess it could've been worse and he was dating a basketball players.

  6. Adrienne: Yes, but don't forget the OOOkie part ;)

  7. Granny Annie: Again, not talking about just the height difference, but just the overall oddness, the choice of clothes,
    footwear, etc.. As though they always wanted to be off.

    They still look like little trolls to me... Trolls From The 1960's

  8. Jan: What is normal is very subjective and I readily grant you that point. My main complaint about the Olson tro... er, twins is not that they're odd, but that it seems to me like they go out of their way to "appear" odd and they're playing a pretentious game of "look at me" that just doesn't ring true.

  9. Yes, they do look creepy, but the difference in height does remind me of us. In fact, my whole family is short, and in our wedding photo, there's all these tiny people and my big new husband, it's really almost ludicrous.

  10. I don't know who they are and I'm proud of it.

  11. Messymimi: Listen, I get it. I'm vertically challenged when it comes to my husband so that I understand. Now, if you were invited to a flashy red carpet event would you wear shoes that looked like something an ER nurse would would wear after 24 hours of duty or would you wear heels? There you go.

  12. Kid: And you should be proud about it. I wish I could debride myself of the awful stuff in our social culture, but it's very hard because it's everywhere. Let me know if you have some insight into getting control.

  13. For starters I don't read about evil. See something in the news page, clinton obama, assorted criminal stuff, pretty much anything that I don't think is going to cause me to either learn something or laugh at my eyes just skip right over.

    Said another way, I always assume things are much worse than I can possibly imagine as well, so I spend time looking at fun or interesting stuff and let the rest of it go.

  14. Kid: We both know there's lots of evil in the world. You deal with it your way and that's fine. I read and watch about evil because I want to stay one step ahead of it. It makes me feel better to know that the evil doers are being caught and put away before they can hurt anyone else.

  15. Nothing wrong with that. For me, I ignore them unless they force themselves upon me in which case, I find out whether they have a bullet proof forehead. Hopefully that will never happen.

  16. Kid: Lol. I have the bullet proof forehead alternative covered as well, and hopefully it will never happen. Still, I like keeping an eye on the bad guys before they strike and sometimes that takes knowing how they think.
