
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Consummate Meathead

 'Weinstein is a bad guy but Trump is far worse': Rob Reiner gives extraordinary interview in which he says the President of United States is an 'abuser'

Seriously, Rob, it's obvious you haven't learned a single thing after all these years.

You're still a meathead.

Yeah, screw wisdom. Who needs it, right ? /s


  1. So, Weinstein isn't such a bad guy after all.
    Probably even better if you compared him to Hitler.

  2. Most of Hollyweird are meatheads. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Clinton was far worse but he wouldn't bring that up.

  4. Ed Bonderenka: Weinstein is a baby lamb compared to Hitler. So what's a few indecent gropes between lying, thieving liberals anyway? We'll gladly stand by you Harvey until you lose your power and then we'll throw you out of the happy elitist circle. It all boils down to POWER.

  5. Sandee: Yes, there are many males & females who are meatheads, too. My first inkling is that some of these people, whether they're educated or not, fall into the hollyweird crevasse and can't find their way out.

  6. Jan: Hush your mouth! We can't talk about Clinton's 26 visits to underage girls at sexual island. Weinstein is what the libs throw at the crocodile in the hopes that the croc doesn't eat them.
