
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... my very own Shoshin loving the sunbeams.

We should all follow our sunbeams.

Happy Friday everybody

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Embarrassment For NBC News After Lester Holt Apparently Falls For North Korean Propaganda

I think NBC should use footage from the movie "Team America" instead of their recent North Korean coverage. The nonsense they're peddling about North Korea is not true, but Team America is at least way funnier.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

John Coleman 1934 - 2018

RIP: Weather Channel Founder John Coleman Dies – Called ‘Global Warming’ A ‘Hoax’

Here are a few of his quotes:

"A ‘total distortion of the data and agenda driven, destructive episode of bad science gone berserk’"

"When the temperature data could no longer be bent to support global warming, they switched to climate change and now blame every weather and climate event on CO2 despite the hard, cold fact that the “radiative forcing” theory they built their claims on has totally failed to verify.'"

"The current bad science is all based on a theory that the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from the exhaust of the burning of fossil fuels leads to a dramatic increase in “the greenhouse effect” causing temperatures to skyrocket uncontrollably. This theory has failed to verify and is obviously dead wrong. But the politically funded and agenda driven scientists who have built their careers on this theory and live well on the 2.6 billion dollars of year of Federal grants for global warming/climate change research cling to this theory and bend the data spread to support the glorified claims in their reports and papers."

“I’m just a dumb old skeptic — a denier as they call me — who ought to be jailed or put to death,” he says. “I understand how they feel. But you know something? I know I’m right. So I don’t care.”

Some of us cared, Mr. Coleman, RIP and Godspeed.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

OUCH Indeed

OUCH! Dan Bongino’s Smackdown Of Dem Priorities Is Going To Leave A BIG Mark

Here’s everything you need to know about Democrats, they call Americans “deplorables” and illegal immigrants “dreamers.” - Dan Bongino

Amen to that, Mr. Bongino.

Nobody wants to see a government shutdown, but giving in to democrat demands over DACA would be a huge mistake.

Let's let them dig in their heels and we'll all see just how much of our bloated government is not essential.

It would be a big morale booster if President Trump would personally fund the cost of the Armed Forces Network tonight so that the troops could watch the NFL playoffs, but alas, President Trump doesn't read The BLOG.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Immigration Blues

Minnesota Woman Strikes St. Catherine University

Apparently a “Minnesota woman” went on an arson rampage at St. Kate’s this past Wednesday (Truza Jamal Hassan — a 19-year-old former student) set eight fires in seven buildings across the campus.

Oh my word, it must be the work of one of those extremist Lutheran Norwegian malcontents immigrating into our country. They can be so stubborn if they don't get their way /sarcasm off.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a wild eyed cat who can't believe the actions of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Can't we all just get along?

Happy Friday everybody.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Transgender Mafia

Transgender Mafia Puts Disabled Vet On Unemployment

This veteran said you can't change DNA.

Seriously? This gets more out of control by the day.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Skirty Ways

Are Skirts The Next Men's Fashion Trend?

Wait, I'm laughing too hard to type...

...or are the guys alright with this?

Friday, January 12, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat covered in post-it notes.

One of my resolutions for 2018 is to stop writing on post-it notes all the time. If there's something worthwhile to note, I'll write it in my daytimer.

Yeah. That's what I tell myself.

Happy Friday everybody.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bears Too?

A bear attacked a man in Naples on Tuesday night, the first time ever in South Florida.

Bear Attack Victim Undergoes 4-hour Surgery, Gets 41 Stitches

Great, just one more thing to worry about in Florida.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


New Hepatitis A Scare Comes To Utah County On Heels Of Exposures At Salt Lake County 7-Eleven

I wonder if the recent Hepatitis A scares have anything to do with this...

Immigration Agents Descend On Dozens Of 7-ELEVEN Stores

I know that correlation does not imply causation, but it's so very coincidental that these two events are occurring almost simultaneously.

Delaying immigration reform is like closing the well after a child drowns in it. After we become a third world country, reform will be too late.

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Brown Ales

Brown Ales May Be Unfashionable, But The Style Is Timeless

I gave up drinking beer years ago because of the carbs, but back then my tastes ran towards Heineken and Moosehead.

This article has made me rethink the brownies now. I'm game for an occasional taste test. Are you?

Friday, January 05, 2018

The Raccoon Saga

A while back I saw what I thought to be was our Main Coon cat, Shoshin,on the back deck, but when a baby raccoon followed her, I knew immediately that it wasn't our cat. I watched the duo go from the deck and go around the pool enclosure. I put out some saltines for them and they were gone the next day. I don't know who ate them, but I have a few suspects.

END STORY... not.

Yesterday, I saw two baby raccoons run across the back deck and I was amazed. Then a third one came running and then a fourth! I was speechless at this point and then a firth one came running up the deck and running up our huge oak tree. I watched them for hours until my husband came home and put a bowl of cat food up in the crook of the tree where they were hiding. For the rest of the evening, we watched those beautiful babies happily chowing down while mama coon watched from a higher post in our tree.

END STORY...????

My husband put out some sushi in the back yard and I put out some crackers on the back deck.

I'll let you know when I know something.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Poor Oregonians

I thought this was an article from The Onion:

‘I Don’t Even Know HOW’: Some Oregonians Panic About New Self-service Gas Law

The line that kills me is, "I've lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas ... This [is] a service only qualified people should perform."

Qualified people to pump gas?

Yes, some Oregonians could use some qualified people... qualified in the mental health field.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Today Is My Birthday

If I believed in spirit animals, mine would be a cat. What better than a grumpy birthday cat for me. I'm always grumpy on my birthday and this cold and rain isn't helping my mood.
