
Friday, April 26, 2019

Happy Xenomorph Day

On this Alien Day, let's celebrate everyone's favorite xenomorph from planet LV426:

With Alien Pez:

With Alien humor:

and with Disney's newest Alien princess:

It's hard to believe the first "Alien" movie came out 40 years ago. 😲


  1. Ed Bonderenka: I agree, but unfortunately, it's only a prototype.

  2. Just another bug hunt...

    I love the Alien series, and I'm with Ed. I need the Pez dispenser, prototype or not, it's the ideal way to deliver a Pez.

  3. LL: Nobody wants one more than I do, but think about your average pez dispenser. It is clearly not designed to have a second jaw jut out and deliver the candy pellet. This prototype was a labor of love, but not one designed to work.

  4. Saw the original in the theater with Grandpa. That dispenser would sell if they could get it to work.

  5. 40 ! Yikes !

    (fwiw, I hated the Aliens movie set on the prison planet. So there.)

  6. I don't even remember exactly what Alien was about, but I darn sure remember the actual Alien (did that make sense?)

    Just this past winter one brave quail plowed through the snow to get to the bird feeder on the deck. All you could see was his little head sticking up through the snow as he skittered across the back yard. I immediately said, "OMGosh, he looks just like the Alien."

  7. Messymimi: I saw the original in the theater in 1979 and I wanted to be Ripley! Still do.

  8. Kid: I agree. I found it deeply disturbing. I don't think anyone on planet Earth likes Alien 3 except for the writer and his mother.

  9. Adrienne: A dangerous alien life form is surreptitiously boarded onto a spaceship for a greedy corporation against the wishes of one member of the crew, Ellen Ripley. Not a super hero, but just a woman doing her job, she and her cat, Jonesy, become the sole survivors of the USCSS Nostromo. P.S. There is a sneaky stowaway on board their escape pod.

    There, now you have the movie in a nutshell to go with the image. The Alien has become as iconic an image as Frankenstein's monster, or the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
