
Saturday, April 27, 2019

No Game

I drink and I know things.



  1. I watched a few minutes.
    Saw some things I didn't think my mom (or wife) would want me watching and found something better.
    I get enough politics in real life.

  2. I also have never watched a single second of it.

  3. Not here, either. In fact, a couple of years ago we were in a shop where there was a poster for it, and Sweetie asked what it was. The young lady waiting on us looked at him like she wondered what cave he had just come out of.

  4. Never watched and have zero idea of what it's about. I confess to liking it that way. However, I love the Amazon Bosch series (Season 5 just started.)

  5. Ed Bonderenka: I never even got that close. I'm not one to go out of my way to watch something that takes place in the past. When it comes to entertainment, I much prefer to look into the future. I do miss the dragons though.

  6. Kid: I don't miss it either, well, except for the dragons. The dragons are cool.

  7. Adrienne: I don't miss the show, but I've seen the ads with the blond woman riding the dragons. I must admit I'd like to know more about that, but I have more in common with the dwarf who "drinks and knows things."
