
Friday, August 23, 2019

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... an actual portrait of our kitty Taz.

The artist wants $90 for the original. I think it's a little much. Any thoughts about that?


  1. I would pay that price. They are most precious after our babies leave us.

    I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. I would pay that if I like the portrait. I'm not saying if I like or don't like the painting 'cause it's not my kitteh or my $$ - that's up to you.

  3. I would gladly pay that! Gorgeous print.

  4. It's a lovely portrait, but it depends how much you like it as to whether to pay that amount.

  5. First reaction: Too cartoonish for 90 bucks. I prefer a true image rendition for a loved family member.

  6. That sounds about average, but maybe make a counter offer.

  7. I should have added that if you want a cartoonish version, there are free apps that will take in a picture and modify it in such a way, then if you have a color printer you can print it out and frame it - for free. Lemme know and I'll scout one out for you.

  8. You gave me your opinions and that's all I asked for and all that I wanted.
