
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Still Agitating

If you don't know who Oriana Fallaci is, it's about time you learned. The New Yorker has an excellent piece by Margaret Talbot which paints a vivid picture of the outspoken Italian journalist and novelist.

The article, entitled The Agitator has Fallaci directing her fury towards Islam and immigration in general.

The article is somewhat lengthy, but it is worth the read. What a treasure this woman is.


  1. What? Is this post chopped liver? I thought her views were very refreshing & some certainly controversial.

  2. It took a while to read. I appreciate her in the way that I appreciate all people who just say whatever they want without regard for how it will be received. I can't say I agreed with everything she said, but I wish I had that sort of courage to speak my mind.

  3. She's a real character. I do like her comments about immigration.

  4. I did a post bout her some time ago too Cube..thanks for keepin her name and mision alive!

  5. The post was long, so I didn't read it all.
    I like her "Eurabia."
    She is right about the double standard that exists.

  6. It was a bit lengthy, but a very good read; well worth the time!
