
Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I don't think Teddy reads The BLOG, but just in case here's a reminder...

... today would have been Mary Jo Kopechne's 66th birthday.

[The BLOG note: Photo credit to]


  1. That was one of those moments in history that have been burned in my memory. I remember where I was when I heard the news of her death and his part in it.

  2. I can't believe it was 37 years ago last week. I was too busy to post that day or I would've included a dig at Splash.

  3. Just another example how some people can get away with anything. If it had been me, I'd still be in jail.Hopefully Mary Jo is happy now/

  4. Oooh, that was cold. In the sense that it's actually too cool to be called cool anymore! Love it!

  5. FUNNY, but sadly true! Too bad for Mary Jo. Actually too bad that she wasn't the one driving the Olds instead of that FINE statesman. Makes me wonder about the people who vote for him every 6 years. ~ jb///

  6. How he has the gall to kep on showing his bloated face in public is beyond me... Leaving a woman to drown while he does CYA...Disgusting!

  7. Yet he keeps getting reelected. I don't get it. Somebody votes for the gasbag.

  8. Ted Kennedy is a piece of crap
    and the fact that people vote
    for him proves what ben franklin said ,the masses are the asses.

    I'm still around cube,

  9. Ben was a wise man.

    BTW good to see you back, michelle.

  10. Oh.. I'm so sorry I missed this one!ih

  11. I've always assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that he remains in office purely on the family name, or more specifically, trading on the death of two brothers while they were in office.

    Do voters feel some obligation, some collective guilt or responsibility, or perhaps it's a sentimental, or emotive vote - not for E.Kennedy, but for the dead Kennedys? More a lingering vote for JFK and RK, rather than for the living? A difficulty in letting go of "the dream", of what might have been?

    Maybe the people who vote for him think he's a good politician? (We almost never hear anything about him down under, once a decade, or so. I don't know what he has achieved over the decades.)

  12. tlm: Blogger has been buggy of late.

    caz: Teddy's record in the Senate is abysmal. I think you do have a point. One should never underestimate the power of White Liberal Guilt in Massachusetts.

  13. I would like to be able to have great respect for Ted Kennedy, but I just don't. He is a windbag and a whining complainer. It is really too bad that he hasn't been a great leader.
