
Monday, November 03, 2008

Birdy Man

Obama Gives McCain The Middle Finger

Primary Flashback: Obama Makes One-Fingered Hand Gesture Toward Hillary

People, on the night before the election, let's give Barry the collective middle finger tomorrow.


  1. An uncouth gesture from a mob subsidized, marxist phony before a crowd of cloying parasites. What a stunning surprise!

    Hmmmmmmler... I mean Hmmmmmmm.

    O-Bah-Mah: it's the new Heil Hitler

    Get out and vote for Mac tomorrow if you want to remain American.

    QueeQueg aint no soviet!


  2. So much class and this is just a sample.

  3. I'm ready to do my part. Polls open here at 6:00 AM.

  4. Ah, my friend..we are down to the wire..PRAY for our Nation please!..hugs!

  5. At this point in time, I don't care which way you are voting.

    Just VOTE.

    Otherwise, just keep your yap shut when someone starts talking about how the country has gone downhill - 'cause by not voting, you sure ain't helping it stay on top!

  6. He's flipping off his adoring supporters...they just don't know it yet.

  7. Jedi Master - accidental? From the man who practices every move from getting up to going to sleep? From the campaign team who is more aware of camera angles than the most seasoned actors in Hollywood?

    No, my friend - these were quite deliberate movements by an elitist who thinks we don't notice small gestures that can be easily mistaken.

  8. Obama is taking 15 minutes to vote. Brian Kilmeade on Fox wonders if he is having second thoughts about himself. My thought is that they better not complain about long lines in Illinois after him tying the booth up for 15+ minutes.

  9. Just think, that finger has been places where no normal man would ever go.

  10. Yeah, but they didn't film the part where McCain asked Obama, "Homosayswhat?" and then Obama said "I know you are but what am I."

  11. Obama gave us all the middle finger, but some people are too dumb to know it

  12. We have 70+ days to make our point about the Obamanation, at which point he becomes the sitting President and is, to me at least, off limits for direct name calling.

    However, as with the current president, I will still point out when the gaffes are made and promises are broken.

  13. imagine a man who could do THAT is our president? THAT classless move?
    And who's so disdainful of FOX, etc.? He despises Republicans, according to a lot of what I've heard.
    I'm waiting to see Hip Hop at the Inauguration Balls.......I swear, if Babs ONCE sings HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN, I'll.............
