Saturday, May 30, 2009
Gone Fishing
At first light, we will be heading out into the Gulf of Mexico to catch some fish.
Let's hope the weather and the fish cooperate.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Cat Blog Friday
Oldfangled Flag
Wisconsin School Catches Fire, Turns Up 1897 US Flag
School officials said Thursday they plan to restore and display the flag.
Gosh, I hope nobody is offended by that.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flag Furor
Supervisor Asks Woman To Take Down American Flag
Last time I checked this was still America. And if the American flag offends you, by all means go live in another country where you don't have to see it.
If I were the hospital administrators, that's what I would tell this minority of un-Americans.
In other words... GO HOME!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Cat Blog Friday
For this Cat Blog Friday...
... cats rowing.
Why rowing cats, you ask?
Well, my youngest borrowed a rowing machine, also known as an "erg", so she can practice over the summer. Yikes! Now I have this ginormous machine in the living room
until school starts back up.
Ahh, the trials and tribulations of a crew mom.
Happy Friday, everybody!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Star Trek 2.0
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Chia Spock
My family and I are going to see the new Star Trek movie tomorrow and I'm really psyched.
BTW my blog buddy Jen at Jen's Horde had some very funny Trek stuff on her blog and I thought I'd pass them along ...
especially the new Star Trek SNL Skit which is a hoot.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Cat Blog Friday
For this Cat Blog Friday...
... after watching House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's latest version of what she knew and when about waterboarding
Play her off, Keyboard Cat!!!
Happy Friday, everybody!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Zombie Fire Ants
Ovipositor phorid flies cause headless zombie fire ants.
OK, maybe not as catchy a phrase as "Soylent Green is People", but some researchers in Texas are using phorid flies as a tool to control fire ant populations.
One Way To Kill Fire Ants: Turn Them Into Headless Zombies
What could go wrong?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Free Speech!!!!!
Not Funny: Barack Obama Laughs At Wanda Sykes "Joke" About Wanting Rush Limbaugh Dead
Can you imagine a conservative making these "jokes" and getting the kind of pass Wanda Sykes received from the press?
Further proof that speech is only considered "free" when it comes from the left.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
Cat Blog Friday
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Justice For All
Thomas Sowell states it better than I can...
Empathy Versus Law: Part III
Hear. Hear.
"Empathy" is a code word for activist. Look for the upcoming Supreme Court nominee to be a black or hispanic (preferably both) gay female with lots of "empathy", but very little merit.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Invasion Of The Giant Spiders
Giant Spiders Invade Australian Outback Town
And I complain about the huge palmetto bugs here in Florida.
Choco Brainiac
Some of you are going to love this article...
How Eating Chocolate Can Help Improve Your Brain's Ability To Do Math
Turns out large amounts of flavanols, compounds found in chocolate, work by increasing the flow of blood into the brain.
So go eat some chocolate, and then there will be a quiz on Riemann's Hypothesis ;-)
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Trek Bashing
Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'
From the Onion News Network - they make up news like CNN does, only ONN news is funny...
Personally, I'm psyched about the attempt to revitalize the Star Trek franchise because the last two TNG movies and the most recent show, ENT, didn't do as well as expected and, frankly, Star Trek needs a big win if the franchise is going to continue to live long and prosper.
Go Trek.