
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and yours a new year filled with blessings and joy.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Pope Oooops

Pope Francis Errs In Linking Church To Green Movement

Now climate change too?

Enough is enough. Pope Francis needs to revisit his own words.

Forget all the stuff about being Pope for life... I think early retirement is a good idea.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Rotten Weather Fan

I was watching HLN while drinking my coffee this morning and the chiron read:

Tampa Bay Bucs End Season As Worst Team

I almost spit out my coffee...

WORST team?

On national news even.

We couldn't have been the next-to-the-last team at the very least?


Yes, I'm disappointed, but I'm no fair weather fan. Come next season, I will again root for my Bucs while I pine for our 2002 Super Bowl season.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Revenge President

From Michael Walsh comes this insightful article:

With Two Years Left, The Inflection Point Of The Obama Presidency

The gist:

"So this is where the curve turns, and it’s down we go, straight down, to realms never before charted in the American experiment. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. And remember this; as I like to say about the Left: they never stop, they never sleep, they never quit."

Gird your loins, people.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Mathy Christmas

Somewhat belated, but a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a joyful New Year.

[Hat tip to Shut Up! Cartoons ]

Friday, December 19, 2014

Can't Speak Or Won't

Either way, Captain America isn't speaking...

No Super Heroes In 'The Interview' Cave In

What in the world will be banned next? And why, because Hollywood is too chicken-$hit to stand behind their own comments?

Even at home, much less during work hours, I compose email as though my grandmother and my mom are behind me... OK, my grandmother was a bit more risque, but you get the idea.

Sorry, Ma.

Cuban Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... what better than a genuine Cuban cat.

Hey, just be glad I didn't use the photo of Grumpy cat wearing a Carmen Miranda fruit hat. Ms. Miranda wasn't even Cuban!


[The BLOG note: Misu is a term of endearment that many Spanish-speaking people use for cats.]

Thursday, December 18, 2014

No Mas!

Since the Sony/North Korea backlash and recent news about the US acquiescence to Cuba, does it mean we can't show "Cuban Fury" anymore...

If so, I'm in anguish.


Cuba No Libre

I agree with Mr. Dominguez...

“There will still be no elections and no freedom. The only thing that will change is that the Communists will make money from the United States that the people will never get to see.”

Opinion: Nothing Will Change For The People Of Cuba In Deal With U.S.

Commie prez, commie pope...

commie world?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Robert Tracinski, of The Federalist, writes this interesting piece about The Science Guy's stance on climate change "skeptics" vs. climate change "deniers":

Meet Bill Nye, The Anti-Science Guy

One of my favorite Einstein comments about science is one that I agree with, "The important thing is never to stop questioning."

The way I see it, there can't be a whole lot of questioning in the search for scientific truth as long as the 'Green Party' is combining science, politics, and big business. This is an experiment destined to fail.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Other Other White Meat

Throughout the country of Peru, there is an annual tradition that goes back 15 centuries, all the way to the time of the Incas: the guinea pig festival

This Might Look Really, Really Adorable. But When You See What Happens Right After... OMG!

I wonder if guinea pigs taste like chicken.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Baby, That's News?

Maybe not news, but what a sweet story baby Hazel Grace will have to tell...

CLEVELAND BABY BORN AT 10:11, 12/13/14

And for the rest of us...

It's Monday again.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Ugly Christmas Sweater Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday which happens to fall on National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day...

... you guessed it...

Happy Friday everybody!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Leaky Leaks

This is funny...

Scott Rudin On Obama: I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart

Obola has nothing to worry about. This won't stop the Hollywood liberals from writing big checks to his regime...

Nuts To You

That squirrel deserves a nut.

Meanwhile the world goes all to hell...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A McReturn

The McRib been on sale at some local McDonalds again for about a month now...

The McRib: Enjoy Your Symptom

One of my sisters-in-law loves them and looks forward to their return (DA, you know who you are), but I've never had one.

What do you think? Should I take the plunge this year?

Yay or nay?

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


The Royals are in the country. Here's your primer:

Seriously, if you happen to run into them, you don't want to cock up and feel like a wanker.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Monday Mung

Slow weekend shifted abruptly into a busy Monday. Usually coffee gets me up at 5am, but this morning, I couldn't even finish a cup.

Maybe my cold is affecting my taste buds.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Doggie Love

This pic made me think of my own German Shepherd, Elke, who turned eight yesterday. She takes bad pictures... I'm just saying.

Friday, December 05, 2014

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... cats who know how to get along.

White Teen Who Was Killed By A Black Cop In Alabama Mirrors Ferguson

without looting.

There's a lesson here.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Liberal Standards Is More Like It

Media I Frenzy Over Hill Staffer’s Comments On Obama’s Daughters:
Double Standards And Hyped Coverage Criticized

This is nothing new.

Over the years, I've often forgiven the Obola daughters' overtly diffident affect because, like their mom, they can't be held responsible for hating their challenged upbringing.

So sorry America has been such a grind for you, girls.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Made In Space

I think 3D printers are an incredible scientific achievement...

The First Object Has Been 3D Printed In Space

... but 3D printing in space really excites my inner nerd.

Memo to Mr. Cube ;)