Friday, October 30, 2015
Yuck !
Yoko Ono Admits: ‘I Had A Lesbian Affair With Hillary Clinton’
When I saw this, I threw up in my mouth.
Is this for real?
I never liked either one of these women, but the idea of them hooking up is making my brain explode.
Seriously, I'm not having a happy Friday. I hope you are.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Awww And Ewww
Your Vegetarian Hot Dog May Contain Meat ... And Human DNA
I can see a little meat in a veggie dog, but human DNA?
Friday, October 23, 2015
Cat Speaker Of The House Blog Friday
Thursday, October 22, 2015
CVS Birthday Girl
OK, I must admit that this story touches me in a special way because my youngest daughter works for CVS.
This 4-Year-Old Girl Is So Obsessed With CVS She Had A CVS-Themed Birthday Party
You go, little girl, and always be as special as you are.
Idolatry... Not!
First, it was Frisch's Big Boy...
Frisch's Big Boy Statue Stolen And Vandalized
and now it's Ronald McDonald...
Vandals Burn, Decapitate, Cut Feet Off Ronald McDonald
What is wrong with people?
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
No Dogs For You!
What is wrong with these people?
Islam And Dogs
Islam, that's what's wrong.
*insert serious face emoji*
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Black Crimes Matter
Two EMS Workers Attacked, Stabbed With Box Cutter In Detroit; Suspect On The Loose
Let me get this straight, Fire Commissioner Eric Jones said he plans to meet with Police Chief James Craig later Tuesday to discuss “de-escalation training” and defensive tactic training to prevent another attack like this from happening in the future.
Yeah, it's the paramedics that need "training" and not the criminal thugs brazenly threatening the EMS, firefighters and police officers with bodily harm and acting out on those threats.
Oh, Margaret, with leadership like that, don't plan on the situation in Detroit improving.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
100,000 Elephants Killed By Poachers In Just Three Years, Landmark Analysis Finds
Upon hearing about the March 2015 incident where 30 Elephants Died In A Brutal, 2-Week Slaughter , my husband said, "elephants are being poached like this and I'm supposed to care about a dick torpedo and his days long orgy?" He made further comments about Caligula, but you get the gist.
For those who don't follow the news, the 'dick torpedo' in question is Lamarr "Kardashian" Odom and his recent troubles with excess at a Nevada brothel.
I answered sarcastically, "But he has a beautiful soul," ... at least according to the many twitter posts in his defense.
Elephants and other majestic animals will be heading into the sunset of their respective species because of human greed, selfishness and excess in all things, and our news cycle basically just reports on greedy, selfish, excess-driven people. Is that all people want to read or see?
If so, where are our priorities?
Friday, October 16, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Ironic, Isn't It?
Democrat Debate Minus One
Monday, October 12, 2015
Not A Human?
I love science fiction. I have always wanted a robot friend. I don't fear cyborgs or artificial intelligence, but if Hillary is the future of robotics and AI, I want no part of it. I'm done. I'm over it.
Hillary Clinton: “I’m Really Not Even A Human Being”
Before I say this, I have to apologize to my husband because my resolution this year was to stop saying this word ...
Saturday, October 10, 2015
OK, its Saturday and I'm at the computer. Looking out my window and I'm seeing craziness. Yesterday, I witnessed a car chase that I found out involved a young woman who wanted to end her life, but couldn't do it herself, so she broke the law in order to have a police officer do it for her. The police were able to talk her down, but it choked up my neighborhood for hours.
Back to Saturday... A new house is going to be constructed across the street and the grass was pulled up by one of those machines... I don't know what they're called... but it left a huge mound of dirt and grass bits. Today I'm sitting at the computer and I see a man picking through this mound and tossing these bits of sod into a cooler, yes a cooler . While this was happening, I saw a man wearing flip flops while pushing a stroller with a baby in it and a woman, whom I assume was with him and the baby, and she was walking on the other side of the street while totally engrossed with her cell phone and wearing a dress. A dress!
Oh, BTW, the guy picking for sod has made several trips in his white van to pick up these grass bits.
Just from my office window... in Florida.
Friday, October 09, 2015
Thursday, October 08, 2015
King Cobra Found!
The eight foot long King Cobra that went missing in Orlando, Florida in September has been found.
'We Are So Relieved': Missing King Cobra Snake Found Under Dryer Near Orlando
And I complain about giant flying roaches around the washer/dryer in my garage.
Grammar Police
Some people argue that this is a punctuation issue, but isn't punctuation a subset of grammar?
Speaking of nuts, a long time ago I had a boss for whom English was a second language and hilarity ensued sometimes when he misspoke. One time he told me that he was losing his nuts. I said that unless he was suffering from some mysterious illness, he was "going nuts" or "losing his mind", but he was most decidedly not losing his nuts.
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Tuesday, October 06, 2015
A Dog Lover
More proof that the left is unhinged...
Prime Minister Netanyahu Adopts A Rescue Dog And The Left Goes Ballistic
Here's the final paragraph from Carol Brown's article in American Thinker:
"God bless Israel. God bless Prime Minister Netanyahu. And God bless his entire family, including the newest addition who was saved in the 11th hour from being put down at the pound.
(Compare this to our president who bought two dogs from breeders (not including the ones he ate. And compare to Muslims who hate dogs.)"
Monday, October 05, 2015
Is This For Real?
From Dee Boudreau's Facebook account comes this photo of the Oregon shooter and an ISIS flag.
If this isn't Photoshopped, we need to find out why the government/media isn't reporting the truth.
Sunday, October 04, 2015
Saturday, October 03, 2015
Friday, October 02, 2015
Alien Fun
From Left Coast Rebel comes this bit of fun about Hillary's personality coach.
That seems about right.
Just a side note to KB, the Predator votes Republican. I'm just saying...
Target: Gun Control
I ran across this on Facebook and thought I'd pass it on:
"Why didn't the president say anything about the 21 killed over the weekend in his hometown of Chicago, which I might add has the strongest gun controls/restrictions in country.... The most stringent gun laws and has the most murders of any other city. Chew on that for a bit... This is just another ploy to disarm the US citizens so they can complete the takeover of western civilization... They did it in Australia and they will try to get it done here before obana leaves office. (Just another one of his Bullshit legacy things, delusional)"
In his 12 minute speech, Obama didn't once mention that the shooter was targeting Christians, but he did manage to mention himself 28 times.
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Flipping Friends
When You Need A Flippin FriendSometimes you need a friend to get your back.
Posted by The Huffington Post on Monday, June 1, 2015
Short but sweet. A turtle friend. Who knew?