Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Remember 9/11/01

Following 9/11/01, I heard many Gore voters express their relief that George W. Bush was our president on that fateful day.

President Bush stood atop the rubble and said through a bullhorn, "I can hear you; the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us very soon."

They heard us loud & clear, but the global war on terror isn't over. There is more to be done. Ask yourself, who do you want in charge?

Remember that when you cast your vote today.

Vote BUSH.


Anonymous said...

And what was it Binladin said yesterday?

cube said...

I don't know what UBL said yesterday.

I do know what the recently released tape showed him saying...he's not for Bush's reelection.