Blue Moon On New Year's Eve
No, the moon won't really be blue, but it is rare that the second full moon in December falls on the 31st. It only happens once every 19 years.
Enjoy the extra moonlight while you party, but not too hearty. You don't want to end up like the cautionary tale below.
Of course it's not really blue. What do you take us for? We know this cheese is green:) Happy New Year to the cubes.
and we got snow too Cube!!
I did not know what that was... a blue moon. Only that it was supposed to be rare. My friend recently explained it to me.
I heard there is supposed to be an lunar eclipse too, but don't know if that is true.
DaBlade: heh heh. Happy New Year to the chattering teeth.
Woman Honor Thyself: Ohhhh, that snow will look beautiful in the moonlight.
Ananda Girl: A blue moon is when a month has a second full moon and that occurs every 2.5 years.
It's much rarer when that second full moon falls on 12/31, like today, which occurs once every 19 years.
There is a lunar eclipse tonight as well, but I don't think it will be visible to those in North America.
Well, once in a blue moon, I wish that our elected public servants (so called) would care about the will of the people.
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone...oops, just a song lyric that popped into my head.
Have a great new year.
Always On Watch: It's a nice thought, but they can't be bothered with the will of the people who pay their salaries.
Jan: That song is hardwired into my brain too.
Wishing a happy new year to you and your family... humans, canines, and felines.
Do you remember the show Moonlighting where Cybil Shepherd sang the song Blue Moon? It's the only episode I remember - except maybe the iambic pentameter one...
I don't think my sweet hubby (the Grouch) and I will be seeing any moon tonight, blue or otherwise. We had rain all day yesterday but thankfully the temperature did not drop low enough for the predicted ice and snow. The sky is still gloomy today. But inside we are happy, healthy, warm and very blessed. I'm so thankful.
Happy New Year from everyone at Right Truth.
Right Truth
Cool. Us? We're just sitting around the house.
birdwoman: Moonlighting is a blur to me now, but I do remember the episode when they were hanging onto the hands of a huge clock.
I do remember the theme song...
"Some fly by day, sooome fly by night...
Debbie: We had cloud cover too,
but I went out after dinner and the gauze-like clouds that had hung around the moon earlier had fallen away. All the better to see the fireworks.
Inside or outside doesn't matter as long as you're with those who love you. Oh, and that little dog who likes to walk on the couch like a cat. I would count him too.
Chuck: You sound like us.
My other life is exciting enough. Home is boring on purpose
Too cloudy here to enjoy the blue moon durn it. Happy New Year!
I noticed that on the calender yesterday! Cool!
Let's hope it portends a better decade.
Happy New Year, Cube!
As usual, it's already your birthday here Cubicle, so you'll have to celebrate twice.
Best wishes, hope you have a lovely day tomorrow, and today!
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