Solange Knowles Kicks, Punches, Claws Jay Z In Elevator Video At Met Gala After-party
I saw this trending on the news show that I watch every morning, and, at first I thought, who?
Once I found out who was at the crux of this matter, my first thought was who the eff cares.
Seriously? This is news.
Then I thought how important these celebrities are to our young people and how their behavior impacts them in ways that can't fathom at the moment, but will impact our society in days to come. It's just food for thought.
I don't know... if my sister and my husband broke out into a fight in front of me in an enclosed space, such as an elevator, I think I would've reacted.
In some ways maybe it is news.
I agree it is NOT newsworthy and gives these losers more and more fame and kids worship them..what a horror......Have a great week my friend~!!:-)
I don't think it's news either, but what is news is that our children or our grandchildren are getting an unhealthy diet of it in their news consumption. What good can come of that?
I don't care a bit about these nobodies. Not one bit. They tell the rest of us how we should think and they are so messed up. So messed up. To heck with all of those phonies.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Sandee: I don't give a $hit about these people either. They're going to be fine whether I approve of them or not. I'm concerned about the exposure they, and their misbehavior, has over our children and grandchildren.
I watched it. I actually watched the entire jaw dropping video and found myself wishing it had audio. What is wrong with me?
I am with Granny Annie. I watched the three plus minutes of elevator footage and actually wished I could hear what they were saying. Mostly because I suspect that Solange was really pissed about something Jay Z did to her sister. And the reason Beyonce didn't try to stop her sister was she agreed. But - no doubt - whatever it was he did was immediately hushed up. And Beyonce doesn't want the public to find out, but is A-Okay with her sister giving her husband a beat down. Now... why is this important to young people? Be careful who you admire. If they are celebrities... chances are they are NOT worth all of the admiration.
Cube - I don't think it is news that a celebrity breaks out in a fight in an elevator. It's just news to some elements of our society.
Granny Annie: I watch grisly forensic shows that some wouldn't approve of, but, hey, as adults, we're free to watch what we want. I'm more worried what the impressionable kids are watching and how they're being influenced.
Robin: I don't really care about these people, but I'm fine other people caring about their lives.
I do agree that this should be a cautionary tale to the impressionable kids who idolize people who don't deserve it.
Sue Hanes: It isn't news that celebrities misbehave because actually they do it all the time. It doesn't bother me that they act up.
I was glued to the TV when William Shatner's wife Noreen "accientally" drowned in their pool. I guess we all have all our favorite celebrities.
I want that book.
Jan: Heh heh.
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