With all the bad news I've read lately, I was happy to run across the good news that Eddy and Patsy are coming back:
Sweetie, Darling, 'Absolutely Fabulous' Is Back
Sweetie, darling, no matter what's been rumored about me, I don't espouse their lifetstyle, but I did find their show very enjoyable.
I don't know if their new movie is going to be any good (look at Star Trek and Ghostbusters...yikes!), but I'm glad to see Eddy and Patsy back in the world.
Totally never heard of it, but it looks like something I could get hooked on. Thanks for recommending.
Not something i've seen before, i'll ask Bigger Girl if she's heard of it. If not, i'm sure she will be interested!
Never heard of then till now. We don't watch television though. We do have Netflix and Amazon Prime. That's what we watch. Well now and then.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
that was a fun show...I wish it was coming back on instead of being a feature length film
Jan: If you don't love British humor, don't bother. If you don't like dysfunctional characters, don't bother. These two women are exactly what a role model should not be, but they're super funny nonetheless.
Messymimi: I don't know how old your girls are, but my daughters have no idea who they are because whenever their show came on the air, we shuffled them out of the room. You don't want these two characters making a difference in your child's life. They were funny to watch as adults, but not appropriate for children. It happened alot with Seinfeld, too.
Sandee: We've got Netflix & Amazon Prime, as well. I'm sure the AbFab shows are available, but if you're not into British humour and/or dynsfunctional characters, don't bother. I thought the duo was absbulously funny.
Z: You're the only one who knows what I'm talking about this. Sui generis, that's what you are and I love you for it.
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