Poor Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ... she put her career on the line for Hillary's campaingn and look what it got her.
BTW I couldn't get the right picture from Google, they're being supressded somehow, so I'm guessing Deb's still has some friends in high office.
I don't feel sorry for this nut-job at all. Not one bit. She got what she deserved.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
I will miss all the incredibly stupid things she used to say...the political gift that keeps on giving. Sort of like Pelosi.
Be careful whom you choose to befriend. If you choose people who dish out the same things to friends and enemies alike, don't be surprised when it happens to you.
Sandee: I don't feel sorry for this vile witch at all either. She was unqualified for her job and only achieved it because of her affiliations in the democrat party. That they threw her under the bus is telling. What a party, eh? Whatch your back is the way to stay alive.
Jan: She was theatre, that's for sure. Pelosi is the grande dame only second to Hillary herself.
Messymimi: Wise words. Chose your friends wisely.
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