Madagascar's Plague Spreading At An Alarming Rate
Madagascar has about 400 plague cases per year, or more than half the world’s total, according to a 2016 World Health Organization report.
Health officials suspect that the deadly plague sweeping Madagascar may have a particularly gruesome cause — a local tradition of dancing with dead bodies called “famadihana” and intended to honor their ancestors.
Plague That's Killed Scores Is Blamed On Dances With Corpses
"UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters that only 26 percent of the $9.5 million needed to combat the outbreak of the often deadly disease has been received."
The UN and the World Health Organization are supposed to keep funneling money into this country despite these ghoulish and decidedly unhygienic practices?
Not all cultures are equal and the sooner multicultural relativity is tossed into the trash heap of history, the better.