Saturday, July 26, 2008

Banned By Google

From comes:

Blurred Out: 51 Things You Aren't Allowed To See On Google Maps
I don't know how well researched this article is because I suspect there are way more than just 51 blurred out areas on the planet.

Speaking of 51... has anyone checked out Area 51 in Rachel, Nevada recently. Last time I looked, it was a big white blob shaped like Rosie O'Donnell's head.

Hmmm... coincidence?


Jan said...

North Oaks, Minnesota? I was really disappointed to find out about that one.

David Amulet said...

Only 51? There must be thousands of other off-limits locations!

cube said...

jan: Yep, a whole town decided they wanted out of the whole Google Map thing.

david: That's what I think too which is why I questioned just how well researched this article was.

dmarks said...

The inclusion of the Serbian base seems odd.

As for North Oaks, Google Maps should put them back on. If they did not want to be seen, let 'em put a dome or a big sheet over the place. Otherwise, they are reflecting photons right at the satellite.

nanc said...

you, too may petition or sue google to keep your living area off their satellite maps - i'm thinking about it for the cabin - mostly because they cannot keep up with where everything is! they've still got a photo up from two years ago - things have changed since then - if they're going to do it right, shouldn't it be a second by second event?

birdwoman said...

yeah, but I can now see my HOUSE on google maps. I can drive down my street, virtually. It's really creepy.


Caz said...

51 areas you say?

*Cue twilight zone music*

Caz said...

Ah well, looks like their research is a little wobbly, and the number of sights is more than 51, and that's based on this published list.

Parliament House and the Oz Defense Force are definitely in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), which is NOT Sydney, NSW, Australia. Sydney is some four or so hours drive from the ACT and Canberra, the latter being the capital of the ACT, indeed, Canberra is the capital city of Australia (the equivalent of your Washington; Canberra is our seat of government, and it would surprise many little Aussies to find that it has moved to Sydney).

Their knowledge of geography is a worry. Conflating two capital cities and two states into one is sloppy research.

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