Wednesday, July 30, 2008

For Obama

Phil Spector Wears 'Barack Obama Rocks' Pin To Murder Trial Hearing

The old adage about birds of a feather applies to moonbats, too, and Obama is gathering quite a collection...


Unknown said...

So that is where our mice went...

Jan said...

Wow, it just keeps getting better.

Brooke said...

So, we've got Spector, Bishop (the claw hammer murderer, Hamas, Kim Jong Il...

Anyone else wondering why the absolute scum of the Earth seem to be drawn to Obama?

cary said...

Well, Brooke, I may catch some crap for this (pardon the pun) but you know the old saying about the stuff that rolls downhill...

It's gotta gather in a pile at the bottom, you know.

dmarks said...

Spector's hair has gone to seed completely. Please PLEASE nobody blow on his head, or the seeds will scatter all over a grow new Phil Spectors.

Dr. John said...

Do moonbats have feathers? Bats being mammals have fur...Just wondering...

Looks like Spector is trying to bring back the big hair days of the 80's.

Jamie Dawn said...

What a kook!

Chuck said...

Great, now he has the crazy, bad hair murderer's vote. We're doomed.

WomanHonorThyself said...

OMG..Cube, that pic is too funny!

Z said...

Let the public SEE who's voting for Obama!

Then, somebody get that guy a COMB! Does he have a MIRROR!?

cube said...

jill: lol! You & your mice. Coincidentally, I'm reading a Temperance Brennan novel at the moment. No mice yet.

jan: Oh yeah. Given enough time, he could implode.

Shover Robot said...

All the Kooks in the world love Obama

Shouldn't that tell people something?

cube said...

brooke: Don't forget the mad bomber, the hate-filled Rev. Wright, et al, America haters all.

cary: And Obammy keeps stepping into it.

dmarks: lol! Everyone hold your

cube said...

dr. john: Moonbats are definitely mammals, but they are known to
gather into like-minded flocks. They detest any disagreement with their views.

j.d.: Indeed! A kook on many levels.

chuck: Let's hope the non-kooks outnumber the kooks.

woman: Just more Hollyweirdness.

z: I wonder how much the non-Internet savvy public is seeing about Obama's pitfalls. For those who get their news strictly from the MSM, Obama is a messianic figure who can do no wrong.

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