Thursday, August 28, 2008

O Deity

Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple


Behold The Obama will speak tonight at Invesco Field...

Oh, brother.

I'll be glad when the Obamarama is over.


cary said...

The speech will be followed by the crowd chanting in unison:

"Owa tagoo siam!"

cube said...


I'm loving the toga jokes and the stuff about Barackopolis.

Heh heh.

cary said...

Toga jokes? Like...


cube said...

cary: That was one of my favorite war movies ;-)

cary said...

Not fair - you made me spit water on the keyboard, and I'm trying to finish my roundup!

8675309 said...

I'm so tired of this man and his worshippers. I hope the REAL God doesn't let him take office....

You know what really creeps me out, though? The posters. I'm seeing them everywhere (I do live in L.A., though, so what should I expect). Have you seen Glenn Beck's "hope for the change of the hope of the change" video? It's awesome:

Brooke said...

Yes, I've heard that theme on Beck's show; I'm stealing that vid for my site! THANKS! :)

I heard today on Beck's show that the stage designers are actually thinking about having the podium rise from the stage to meet BHO.


birdwoman said...

I love the term obamarama. When he loses, will it be a cruel (cruel!) cruel autumn? like banarama?


cube said...

8675309: Thanks for the video addy. I hadn't seen it. Those posters are freakish & so are Obama followers.

brooke: The podium rises to meet the Obama-deity? heh heh. I read that some McCain worker commented that this reads like something from The Onion and it does.

cube said...

bw: lol. Yes, we're hoping for a very cruel autumn to the monolithic hubris of The Obama come November.

David Amulet said...

Sadly, I fear the Rep's convention won't be much better. Conventions are far from what they were intended to be; now they are the worst combination of political self-adulation and Hollywood spectacle.

Anonymous said...

If there even is a Republican convention: The MSM is more eager to bugger out of covering the Rep. convention than Kerry was when the Boolets started a flyin in the Nam! Oh there'll be a convention but who will see it when Keith Olberloon is in NOLA covering the aftermath of GUSTAV.

It's friggin hilarious. Obama= Fail.

I can't wait for the riots. After all he already won right!!!

Papa Frank said...

Is that suppose to be a deity or a eunuch?

Jamie Dawn said...

Both sides get to flaunt their stuff at their conventions.
I don't like the conventions.
The conventions are too phony.
I'm planning on voting for McCain, but I doubt I'll watch any of the RNC, that is unless McCain's stage is made to look like The Enterprise or maybe Mt. Carmel.


WomanHonorThyself said...

and just watch all the freaks applauding this tool..ugh!!!

cube said...

anonymous: There is speculation that the Rep convention will be delayed depending on Gustav's path. I don't mind the wait.

As far as Olbermann & Matthews' coverage goes, it should be a hoot, with KO becoming "tornadically unglued" whenever the Reps score a point against The Obama.

Anonymous said...

nice Blog!!!

cube said...

papa frank: It depends on whom you ask :-)

j.d.: lol! I'm with you on the bridge of the Enterprise set.

Kidding aside, I don't much like the pomp & the fuss either, but I sure as heck prefer to watch the republican convention over that of the dems. The choice isn't even close.

I watched MSNBC's coverage briefly last night, and Olbermann & Matthews were positively giddy. It was a disgusting display of medial bias.

cube said...

Darn it! That's media bias.

cube said...

woman: It was creepy watching all those people clapping insanely for the same liberal BS that's been dragged out every election cycle.

Different looking messenger - same crappy message.

simon: Thank you.

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