Senator's Husband Cashes In On Crisis: Feinstein Sought $25 Billion For Agency That Awarded Contract To Spouse
This is no accident... shame on you, Diane Feinstein (D-CA).
People, what will it take to rid ourselves of these greedy career politicians who are too busy stuffing their pockets with our money to care about running the country?
I know. This isn't the first time for the greedy Mrs. Feinstein and she certainly isn't the only one.
Yet they lie with a straight face
and get reelected to another term.
So much for the "most ethical Congress ever."
Did you hear that Biden is going to get an extra $250 in Social Security bennies from the porkulus package?
Brooke: Yeah, it just frosts me to no end. Did you read how little the tightwad gave to charity in 2008? But I shouldn't be so harsh, the cost of plastic surgery just keeps going through the roof.
We are used and abused.
....but they LOVE us!
Ananda Girl: I used to be opposed to term limits because I thought it would arbitrarily end the career of a good politician, but I have come to believe that there is no such thing. If they weren't corrupt before they took office, at some point, they would certainly find themselves entangled in unholy alliances while in office.
FJ: They love our money.
In California we have been hearing for years about how the Feinsteins are using her position to make money for them. I don't know why people keep voting for her. Our other senator is Barbara Boxer and Pelosi is also one of our contributions.
Jan: You are in the maw of the liberal beast in California. Yikes!
Congressional Golden Rule:
“Those who make the rules, get the gold."
I found this incredible. I posted on her and some of her friends today.
We live in an era of trillions of dollars in government bailouts. Who will miss a few billion here and there? Feinstein is your typical leftist cheat. They are a dime a dozen anymore it seems.
Difi should hide her fame in shame
I've had it with politicians on both sides of the aisle.
I attended a tax day tea party, and I plan to keep on attending events that highlight government greed.
Plenty of Republicans and Dems need their butts kicked to the curb in 2010. I'm tired of mousy Republicans who do not represent my conservative views which leaves me having to vote for them ONLY because the alternative is too liberal for my vote.
I'll tell you what, the day that this corrupt disgrace of a senator along with Boxer and Pelosi in the House exit the congress, it will be a joyous day for America. What a crying shame.
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