This one is short but sweet:
Even I Couldn't Impress Bob Dylan, Obama Admits
Dylan refused to even speak with Obama. "He wouldn't come to the rehearsal... He didn't want to take a picture with me; usually all the talent is dying to take a picture with me and Michelle before the show, but he didn't show up to that."
Obama can't understand someone not being into him. Naked narcissism for all to see.
cube, it gets even WORSE! The article says Obama said this:
After performing, it was the same story. "He finishes the song, steps off the stage – I'm sitting right in the front row – comes up, shakes my hand, sort of tips his head, gives me just a little grin and then leaves. And that was it. He left. That was our only interaction with him."
Mr Obama nonetheless described the experience as "a real treat," adding: "That's how you want Bob Dylan, right? You don't want him to be all cheesin' and grinnin' with you. You want him to be a little sceptical about the whole enterprise."
Meaning that Dylan should be skeptical about AMERICA and THE PRESIDENCY? Doesn't that reveal TONS about Obama's attitude towards AMERICA and HIS POSITION!?
THIS is the kind of thing Obama was raised on...skepticism against the 'enterprise'....WOW.
Great find. Leave it to the Brits; I haven't seen this in American media, have you?
I agree with your analysis that it speaks volumes about the lack of respect BO has for our country and the office of the presidency.
In his delusional mind, he'd rather believe that Dylan doesn't care about meeting the U.S. president rather than think that Dylan doesn't care about meeting him. At least that's the political spin he's putting on it.
I think deep down BO is very angry about the whole incident and Dylan will be placed on the White House persona non grata list.
This commenter summed it up
Well, Mr. Dylan and I share something; why be impressed by someone who did not do something impressive so far?
Another commenter noted how Obama was making light of it but you just know he's seething inside.
He has to be so pissed.
This commenter summed it up
Well, Mr. Dylan and I share something; why be impressed by someone who did not do something impressive so far?
Another commenter noted how Obama was making light of it but you just know he's seething inside.
He has to be so pissed.
Great comments, all! I couldn't agree more with you, and Z and Chuck!
The ARROGANCE of this 'man' knows no bounds!
That cracks me up. Clearly he thinks Dylan has a problem, not himself. Sheesh!
just how full of himself is this tyrant!
Chuck: Absolutely. He'll never get over that disrespect. Heh heh.
Brooke: Yes, and it's getting more and more blatant.
Ananda Girl: How DARE Dylan diss the WON? BO is trying to sound cool about it, but I'd bet money that he's seething underneath.
WomanHonorThyself: So true. He certainly doesn't have the best interests of the country on his agenda.
Why is this surprising to Obama? Dylan is anti-establishment. Um, Obama IS the establishment.
When I call Obugger a narcissist, I mean that literally; look of the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and and it describes him to a tee.
BTW, I never thought I'd say I admire Bob Dylan, but I do now, heh.
The Phoenix: The times have changed... I hear that Dylan is a conservative now. Go figure.
Karen Howes: Yeah, it's a scary thing to look at the symptoms of a malignant narcissist and have it appear to apply to someone in the white house.
I always thought Dylan was a talented poet, but my opinion of him as a person shot way up with this incident. Heh heh.
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