This is one of our kitties. Her name is Soshin and she's a Maine Coon. Although she has no front claws, she doesn't let that stop her from being an avid hunter.
A while back, I saw her walking around with a lizard sticking out of her mouth like a cigar. I thought of Edward G. Robinson right away... "A wild cat, yeh?" I called her Stogey for a few days.
A couple of days ago, I saw Shoshin with another lizard. This time, I ran outside and saved it. I had it in my hand and my husband remarked that it might be already dead. I told him that it didn't feel dead to me because it was moving in my hand. Just then the little sucker bit my hand! [Let me just say that sucker was not the word that came out of my mouth. I'm just keeping it clean]
Sometimes you just can't win.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Love your title.
What Jan said. That's exactly what I thought when I read this post. Little Bugger.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Definitely not a lion with a thorn in it's paw story.
Cube - Soshin is such a pretty cat. I can't believe she had a lizard in her mouth. I wonder what word came out of your mouth when the lizard bit you. : ]
Jan: That's our Shoshin... she did appear as robot from the future and she was a key to the future of the entire world... OK, she's just a little kitty...
Sandee: Little Bugger is right!
Granny Annie: Not all stories end up well. I tried to do the right thing, but as Jan said, "No good deed goes unpunished." So true.
Sue Hanes: All cats are beautiful, but they're all killers inside. Thank goodness we're not smaller.
Love the kitty! We recently visited family down in Jupiter and had a ball watching their terrier chase those miniature lizards around the yard.
Soshin is stunningly beautiful!
I wonder if she might have been offended that you stole her lizard?
DaBlade: It's funny how so many animals chase other animals just because they run. My cats and dogs coexist until the cat runs and then all bets are off.
Always On Watch: Shoshin is a beautiful cat and she's also very sweet on the inside. She just can't keep her instincts under control.
I don't think Shoshin even knew I took her lizard. Once I had saved the ungrateful little sucker, Shoshin was looking for it.
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