I don't watch the Oscars and haven't seen any of the recent crop of Oscar-worthy films, but this story is so rich in irony that I felt I had to share it. Bear with me.
Frances McDormand’s Alleged Oscar Thief Arrested
Oscar winner Frances McDormand's acceptance speech included a phrase "inclusion rider" that is going to become a household term. She put out a call for fellow actors to insist that an inclusion rider be put in their contracts that would reflect real demographics, i.e., women, minorities, LGBTQ, disabled, etc..
Wouldn't you know that mere hours later, her Oscar would be "allegedly" stolen by an entitled minority who felt it was his.
Oh, the irony.
Frances, welcome to my world. I live awash in diversity 24/7/365. I don't live in a gated community and I don't have armed security on my payroll.
And you and your ilk want to take my guns away?
Dream on, Frances.