Friday, June 01, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

via Gfycat

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... what every cat owner knows... cats really are liquid ;)


Happy Friday, everybody!


DaBlade said...

Gives 'liquid Friday' new meaning... or maybe not, if it's 5 o'clock and the cat has been in the catnip.

cube said...

DaBlade: I'm going to pretend I didn't read that. This cat is totally sober. Cats don't need drugs to act weird. Shame on you for impugning that cat's virtue.

Sandee said...

I'm not going to tell you how many times I watched this. The agility is amazing.

I linked this post to Feline Friday.

Have a purrfect day and weekend. ♥

Kathe W. said...

How on earth does this cat do that....amazing!

cube said...

Sandee: Mayhaps more than I've watched it. It's unbelievable isn't it?

cube said...

Kathe W.: They're cats and that's all we humans can fathom.

messymimi said...

Yep, that's why they can hide anywhere, fold up like a pocket handkerchief, and pull on a cloak of invisibility.

Kid said...

That cat is just waiting for the goldfish.

cube said...

Messymimi: Lol. The cloak of invisibilty is so true of cats. I didn't know they went to Hogwarts.

cube said...

Kid: I first thought of beta fish, but yes we're on the same fish wavelength.