Saturday, February 08, 2020


It is obvious where the democrat party is heading and it's not a good place. It's like a train wreck in the middle of a piranha infested swamp with a dollop of mutated, antibiotic-resistant neocoronavirus thrown in for good measure.

Remember this come November 2020.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Gonna mention this on our radio show this afternoon, We'll be discussing the benefits of socialism.
The we'll have to fill the rest of the show with something else.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: Lol. You can always discuss the merits of having a cat versus a dog or vice versa. 😉

Ed Bonderenka said...

Cats vs dogs. Either way we lose half our audience :)

LL said...

You could note the benefits of socialism on a postage stamp.

Kid said...

Liberalism is truly a mental disease, and we haven't even mentioned 'progressives' yet.

They really knew what they wer doing though. Take over public school education and turn it into liberal indoctrination while also creating a lot of weak minded kids who will beg for the government to take everything over and provide for them. Well, they will get what they deserve. These kids will eventually get their communist socialist paradise.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: There comes a time in everyone's life when you must take a stance.

cube said...

LL: The size of a stamp is far too generous. From experience, I would delve down to the microscopic level.

messymimi said...

Yes, many of us will remember. The problem is with those who won't.

Damien said...

Good reading this ppost

Deacon W said...

I agree that it is important to be aware of current political trends.