Thursday, September 03, 2020

Gotta Have Good Hair

Let's give Fancy Nancy some space on this one... she's a politician and she has to look good... not like the rest of us with Covid-19 hair. 


Adrienne said...

I confess to not having covid hair. I've been cutting my own hair now for months and months and strangers stop me to tell me how cool my hair is. Being a retired hairdresser helps. Now I have the best hairdresser ever cutting my hair. Eat your heart out, Pelosi.

Kid said...

Nana could have had someone come to her house but she went to a closed salon to give America the finger just like Barry did on an almost daily basis.

Sandee said...

She says she was set up. Sure she was. She didn't like being asked about it either.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Ed Bonderenka said...

Some animals are more equal than others.

messymimi said...

Some things never change. Hypocrisy seems to be one of them.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I had my hair cut yesterday and funny...they made me wear a mask when they shampooed my hair. So I don't get why Nancy asked that question at her press conference. It wasn't like she was in the shower.