Monday, April 17, 2006

Bush Was Right!

Today's column by John Leo

It Turns Out Bush Was Right About Iraq's Quest For Uranium

pretty much says it all.

Read it and weep, oh misguided denizens of the left.



Voracious Reader said...

Mainstream media will never pick this story up.

It's too inconvenient.

Darrell said...

Oh, come on, Cube. ;) Surely you don't think a little concept like the actual facts of the matter will disuade the lefties from bashing the Prez, do ya? This story will go in one ear and out the other and they won't take the time to stop chanting "Bush lied people died" and actually consider the truth of the matter.

These are, after all, the same people who voted for John Kerry. The same minority of people, I might add. :)

ylmurph said...

misguided'm going to need a dictionary for this one. I took etymology, but it's been awhile...

Topwomen said...

that's really amazing! cube, please read my latest post and pass on. thanks!

Tom & Icy said...

Even a blind hog finds the slop trough sometimes

Jen said...

I'm not entirely sure what the last poster was saying. I need to brush up on my "southernisms."

To answer your question, we've only used the mint ones, so I don't know if the others would work or not...

cube said...

I'm tired of being told what the "truth" is by liars who have a vested interest in the lies they are professing.

I'm throwing down the gauntlet to the lefties. Can you come here & defend your positions?

Jamie Dawn said...

I'm not surprised by this. I guess because I'm not one who has jumped on the Hate Bush bandwagon. I actually think the guy has a brain, contrary to what the media says about him.

WomanHonorThyself said...

Truth?..I thought that wuz rendered irrelevant by Michael Moore no?

JTL said...

I invite you to read Joe Wilson's book, The Politics of Truth.

cube said...

jtl: why?