For this Cat Blog Friday, what with the rash of stupid human behavior lately, including the nutcase performances at the U.N. Summit...
... what better than a cat illustrating a stupid cat trick.
I'm not holding my breath, but my Fridays will be happier when this epidemic of stupid passes.
Sheesh. What a world.
The difference is, the cat will learn from that stupid behavior.
I doubt our politicians will.
Brooke is right. A cat won't jump on a hot stove twice. People aren't this smart.
You are both spot on with your remarks. And some have the nerve to call them "dumb animals."
I lost a large Saguaro cactus to a persistant and somewhat demented cat. (Not one of mine.) It looked very similar to that cactus.
That cat looks exactly like my Pinky... Puck's father. Sigh, I miss Pinky.
Politicians I can live without.
My dream never came true.
In that dream, the UN was taken over by Muslim terrorists and Obama was caught up in the thick of it.
That must be Steve-O's cat.
Hold tight because by my estimation we have about a 175 bad Fridays left
Chuck's remark about so many Fridays just put me in a funk :-(
So true!
Keep up the cat Fridays...they break the tension! (usuallY!)
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