Friday, December 19, 2014

Can't Speak Or Won't

Either way, Captain America isn't speaking...

No Super Heroes In 'The Interview' Cave In

What in the world will be banned next? And why, because Hollywood is too chicken-$hit to stand behind their own comments?

Even at home, much less during work hours, I compose email as though my grandmother and my mom are behind me... OK, my grandmother was a bit more risque, but you get the idea.

Sorry, Ma.


jan said...

I have it on good authority that Wonder Woman won WW II.

cube said...

Absolutely. Wonder Woman didn't bow down to any nasty regime.

Mike Golch said...


cube said...

Mike Golch: I hear you.

Sandee said...

The world has gone mad. Totally mad. Hollyweird are a bunch of puss***.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

I hate Hollywood anyway. Bunch of overhyped tripe most of the time.
My paternal grandmother was so straight laced that she made straight-laced people seem loose and rowdy. However, one night she and her sisters got kind of trashed, and it was pretty funny what came out of their usually staid mouths.
My maternal grandmother was a bit more liberal. I tend to be kind of like her, although, fortunately, I somehow managed to dodge the alcoholism bullet--which is amazing, considering the fact that when I was younger, I had a hollow leg.
Happy holidays!

sue hanes said...

Cube - We saw The Hobbits yesterday. I'm glad it wasn't banned - it was good. A little violent but the last part was good.

cube said...
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