Thursday, December 18, 2014

No Mas!

Since the Sony/North Korea backlash and recent news about the US acquiescence to Cuba, does it mean we can't show "Cuban Fury" anymore...

If so, I'm in anguish.



Z said...

I think we've had enough CUBAN FURY for a few weeks, don't you? :-) Not involving dance, of course!

jan said...

I've heard quite a bit of Cuban Fury today and no one was dancing.

Sandee said...

What Jan said. Me too.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

sue hanes said...

Cube - Since I don't know what Cuban Fury is I don't care if we can't watch it.

It looks interesting though.

cube said...

Z: I've had my share as well.

cube said...

Jan: No dancing, but I have heard that Cubans will party at the drop of a hat ;)

cube said...

Sandee: What I replied to Jan ;)

cube said...

Sue Hanes: I've never watched the film and don't plan on watching it either. Your guess is as good as mine ;)