The natural beauty of Australia is marred by it's wild wildlife. Just looking at a picture of these enormous coconut crabs (above) gave me the creeps, but there are plenty of other hair-raising critters:
27 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Move To Australia
Sorry, mates,

... no shrimp on the barbi for me, at least not in Australia.
I didn't make it very far. Yikes. It was someplace I wanted to visit, but not if I have to run into that scary stuff.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Spiders don't usually bother me but those looked somewhat vicious.
I know quite a few people who have lived in Australia and most of them want to go back.
Sandee: I made it to the end, but I really hated the first spider and those terrestrial coconut crabs. Those things are huge... I wonder if they're edible?
Jan: I hate the large, aggressive spiders we get here in Florida, but if I were to build up my courage, I could theoretically stomp one of them.
Those crabs freaked me out just because of their sheer size. It would make one funny video if one of those enormous coconut crabs decided to challenge me and I had to run screaming for my life.
When it comes to bugs, I'm a screamer. You'll know I'm in the vicinity...
I will never go to Australia in my life. I HATE ant spiders, snakes, slitherly creeps. I think I'll just stay in little old Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada.Those crabs YUCK! I'm going to have nightmares tonight for sure. Try to have a wonderful evening Cube. See ya.
Cruisin Paul
PS: Tell me about the Mustangs.
Paul Pietrangelo: OK, don't come to Florida cause we have tons of creepy crawlies here, but it seems like the Austrailian versions are worse. Yikes!
BTW I'm going to have those same nightmares about those giant crabs chasing me. The only excuse for those giant crabs is that they taste good. Anybody know?
Paul Pietrangelo: Growing up, we had a 1967-69, I'm not sure of the color, but I think it was a fire engine red exterior, with a black interior convertible. I was a child, but in my mind, there hasn't been a car with more beautiful lines... ever. The Camaros came close, cause I love them too, but it's always been the Mustang that has reigned supreme in my heart.
Paul Pietrangelo: It could've been candy apple red... my memories were those of a young child.
No thanks.
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