Friday, February 19, 2016


Can you believe this?


Jan said...

OMG This is so true. Every group is listed that "we must try to understand" and all sing Kumbaya with. Even the prez gets passionate only when he confronts Republicans and not terrorists or criminals.

Sandee said...

Yep, that pretty much sizes some of them. And people like Hellery help that along. She slams republicans at every turn. That and the NRA.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

cube said...

Jan: 0bola doesn't even use the 'T' word for ISIS maniacs. I don't know why Christians & the GOP scare the lefties so much.

cube said...

Jan: 0bola doesn't even use the 'T' word for ISIS maniacs. I don't know why Christians & the GOP scare the lefties so much.

cube said...

Sandee: Hellery (love that name, BTW) pulls out the 'vast right wing conspiracy' nonsense when she gets backed into a corner by someone questioning her about one of her felonies. It's old hat and lots of voters are sick of her bringing it up without proof. Hellery must be in Hell right about now worrying about Bernie's burning hot popularity, but her super delegate status will beat out Bernie in the general election if she isn't indicted or drops out for health reasons. A nightmare for American either way.

messymimi said...

It amazes me when they can't even see the hypocrisy.

Kid said...

There is a reason, well many, that liberalism is called a mental disease.

cube said...

Messymimi: It's most troublesome to me when I see that hypocrisy in educated and supposedly non-biased journalists.

A free press is fundamental to our freedom and it hasn't seemed all that unbiased for a long time.

cube said...

Kid: Yes and it seems to be contagious.

cube said...

Kid: Yes and it seems to be contagious.

cube said...

Messymimi: It's most troublesome to me when I see that hypocrisy in educated and supposedly non-biased journalists.

A free press is fundamental to our freedom and it hasn't seemed all that unbiased for a long time.