Monday, February 15, 2016

Loo Class Warfare

Had to decompress from this weekend's deeply disturbing politics...

CNN Anchor Gets $100K Private Toilet As Company Slashes Jobs

Suppose you're doing a live four hour news show that starts at 6 am ET and you only have a 2 1/2 minute bathroom break in which to run down the hall and travel to a different floor to reach the nearest restroom. I think you'd want something closer, too.


Sandee said...

I know this doesn't surprise you one bit. It's been happening for decades it's just now we're finding out these things.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

messymimi said...

She asked about having a closer toilet, she didn't demand they build something fancy just for her. At least, if i read the article correctly. Still, i think they could build it for less, but i don't know their building or the codes.

Kid said...

I'm liking this story a lot. Especially about the CNN staffers losing their jobs.

Jan said...

I never watch CNN but someone in authority must think she is worth the money and the others may not be.

cube said...

Sandee: You're right. It's as old as the hills. The difference now is that there are fewer & fewer ways to keep things under wraps.

cube said...

Messymimi: That's the way I read it, too. It's a bathroom for her and her staff. Why it's going to cost so much may have more to do with union business than Robin being a diva.

cube said...

Kid: HLN is CNN's sister network, not exactly the same thing.

cube said...

Jan: I never watch CNN either. HLN is a sister network and Robin Meade is the big fish in that small pond.

cube said...

Jan: I never watch CNN either. HLN is a sister network and Robin Meade is the big fish in that small pond.

DaBlade said...

We all need to skip to the loo on occasion. At least they don't need a third bathroom for the gender-confused like they do over at MSNBC.

cube said...

DaBlade: Skip to my loo... heh heh. Love it. Yes, Rachel Madcow would have a cow if she sniffed any kind of non-diversity drenched treatment involving her elimination room. I can see her demanding that it must be just so.

Turns out Meade asked about a unisex bathroom that she and her staff could share that was closer to their studio. Not an outlandish demand. Sounds like a hit piece to me.

Kid said...

Cube, I've seen HLN several times and find it kind of Ok.

cube said...

Does that mean you're a Robin Meade groupie?

cube said...

Does that mean you're a Robin Meade groupie?

Kid said...

I don't know who Robin Meade is.

cube said...

She's the morning HLN anchor. You'LL either love her or hate her.

cube said...

She's the morning HLN anchor. You'LL either love her or hate her.