The Way We Raise Children Today Might Do More Harm Than Good
This article brings back not only my childhood, but those of my own children.
I grew up in a Manhattan apartment with weekend visits to the park and where pigeons on the fire escape were my only animal friends. It all changed when we move to Florida when I was eleven. That's when the world opened up for me because, all of a sudden, I had a yard and I could play with neighborhood friends until it got dark and was dragged indoors. It was an amazing change for a chained apartment dweller to being outside until dark. My house was the place where we gathered and it was all good fun that started everyday after school and at 7 AM Saturday morning. We had, within limits, our run of the land. We did stuff that we shouldn't have done, but thankfully we got away with all of our childhood indiscretions.
My girls grew up in a different world. They had their adventures, I'm sure, but their actions were way more supervised than mine and their father's were. All told, I feel blessed that my girls are doing very well. I don't know how my husband and I pulled that off, but we did. Yes, we managed to bring two very adept adults into this world in spite the years of nonsensical child rearing news.
I really don't know how credible this article is, but it sounds like something out of ... these are the days of our lives.
Please feel free to talk about your childhood days, though, because that would be more interesting.