Monday, July 10, 2017

And Monkeys Too?

Monkeys Swarm Ocala Man's Property

It's not enough that we have gators everywhere, now we have to worry about swarms of rhesus macaques?



Jan said...

They look cute but they are truly disgusting animals. I hope he gets them under control

cube said...

Jan: Humans are the only primates I can tolerate and even some of them fall into my non-toleration zone. I never had a problem with monkeys until I was 11, living in NYC, and having seen "Planet of the Apes" at the theater with my Dad. I've never liked how they look at me since then. I think they're plotting something...

Sandee said...

They are plotting something. They are cute from afar.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

cube said...

Sandee: Even from afar they can still fling poop your way. I've experienced it first hand. Only the third world monkeys are cute... the rest of them not so much. If I were them, I'd be plotting a revolution.

Kid said...

They can be very aggressive and cause a lot of damage. Plus they carry Herpes? I won't be planning on retiring there.

messymimi said...

While i know they can be gross, so can all creatures. It's just a matter of what we are used to. That doesn't mean they should be swarming wild in their non-native habitat.

DaBlade said...

Gotta love the monkey selfies. Now begins the formidable legal battle for the copyright to said selfie.

cube said...

Kid: I agree that they can be aggressive and nasty, but they're not running wild all over the place. I've seen way more gators in the wild than monkeys. This is an anomalous event whereas gators are common.

cube said...

Messymimi: As I told Kid, gators are very common here in Florida, but, you're right, this isn't the native habitat of the Rhesus macaque monkeys. They shouldn't be running rampant here and that's true about many other non-native species that are foisted onto our ecosystem.

Kid said...

Well, you know what monkeys like to do when they're bored.

cube said...

Kid: It isn't the first time I've had poop flung at me if that's what you're getting at...

Kid said...

I was thinking more of monkeys as rabbits

cube said...

Kid: Oh, I get it. I can be so obtuse sometimes. Yes, to your point, and acknowledging that monkeys show slightly less modesty as the Kardashians do with their sex tapes.

cube said...

Thanks for stopping by whatever the hell your names is... you're not welcome here so piss off. I hate to end a sentence in a proposition, but sometimes it's due.

Anonymous said...

Kid: I agree that they can be aggressive and nasty, but they're not running wild all over the place. I've seen way more gators in the wild than monkeys. This is an anomalous event whereas gators are common.

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