Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bears Too?

A bear attacked a man in Naples on Tuesday night, the first time ever in South Florida.

Bear Attack Victim Undergoes 4-hour Surgery, Gets 41 Stitches

Great, just one more thing to worry about in Florida.


Sandee said...

Weirdness is happening everywhere. Not nearly as much weirdness going on in Florida than in California. We have lots more idiots and most of them are in our state government.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

LL said...

How do they get bears to cross where the sign is?

Jan said...

I would prefer a bear to an alligator. And what LL asked.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Bearskin rug, or alligator boots.
Hmmmm, Which would I prefer?

Adrienne said...

Bears in Florida? Who knew...

Kid said...

Bears can run 35 mph. No bears for me.

cube said...

LL: They just know ;)

cube said...

Jan: I agree. I think I can outrun a gator.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: Lol. I'm a live and let live type of person so you make your own choice.

cube said...

Adrienne: I've been living since 1968 and I didn't know about bears. BEARS!

PS: I don't post on your blog because I can't do so anonymously. That's the only reason. I do read your blog.