You all know Shoshin, my here today, gone tomorrow, executive assistant. Well, here she is in her Halloween costume resting before the big day on Wednesday.
Radioactive breath, laser beam eyes... yes, she's gearing up to destroy Tokyo.
This is our cat Felix on the morning when our youngest daughter was having her wisdom teeth extracted. She was on meds and somehow got poor Felix caught up into a Mother Teresa moment...
History is what it is. Leaving out the scene where the U.S. flag is planted on the moon is a lie of omission meant to appease the globalists who don't like to hear about American exceptionalism.
The material is dubbed the "'Hypatia Stone' after Hypatia of Alexandria (c. A.D. 350–370 – A.D. 415) the outstanding woman philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and inventor."
Major contributors to our understanding of the matter are Jan Kramers and Gregory Belyanin of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Their university reported that they "found exotic micro-mineral compounds in the 'Hypatia' stone that are not known to occur on Earth, elsewhere in our solar system, or in known meteorites or comets."
Is Hillary now doing not-so-funny stand up comedy?
Kavenaugh endured, not six, but seven investigations by the FBI and no inappropriate allegations were proven factual.
As a lawyer, Hillary, you should know there is a big difference between the two investigations... one found NO proof and the other found PROOF, as in a blue dress.
If Monica Lewinsky hadn't kept that dress (at the behest of Linda Tripp), she would've been destroyed.
I would think that would be obvious to most people by now.
Not that I'm a big defender of Susan Collins (I really thought she'd cave and very glad she didn't), but really Miss Linda Sansour-puss, let's talk about women's rights under sharia law!
[crickets sound]
Oh, that's right, because under sharia law women have NO rights.
And she's lecturing me about laws about women's rights?
And that American women are supporting this is ever-so galling.