Obama goes to church to hear a Muslim speaker!: Why Does This 'Christian' Always Flock To Hear The Muslim Message?
I recall reading that the Obamas stayed at church only one hour. Why so specific? Could it be that the MSM wanted to make sure no one concluded that they listened to the moslem speaker at 10 am?
I'm just saying...
Obama is concerned now that his Muslim roots and his affinity for Islam will sway Americans against him...duh.
The church thing is a sham and a goof. I'm sure that when the priest said, "let us pray" that it took all he had NOT to drop to the ground and prostrate himself toward Mecca.
His "Christian" faith, if you can call it that is rooted in the ultra racist Black Liberation Theology that has a lot more to do with hating white people than worship.
What LL said!
ugh I'm gunna be sick again from all his deceptions!
LL: You have nailed it. I would only add marxism to the black liberation theology. It makes for a bitter, angry disposition and not Christianly at all.
Brooke: Yeah!
Woman Honor Thyself: I agree. I have to focus on my family if I want to be happy. Politics, nowadays, puts me in the dumps.
I just love this graphic of the POTUS. It suits so many of his activities.
Jan: He loves to give America the middle finger. I can't wait for America to give it back to him.
For someone who's supposedly not Muslim, he certainly can't kiss enough Muslim butt, can he?
You could start an entire network dedicated to covering what the MSM doesn't report on.
Karen Howes: Basically I think BO is a secular humanist, but he has fealty to moslems and communists because that is what he was exposed to as a child. This is not a man who has fealty to the USA.
Chuck: Oh yeah. Do you think we could start a network beyond FOX?
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