While the Middle East roils, and Somali pirates kill innocent Americans, and the economy tanks, there is ALWAYS time for fatty braised rib meals at Vale and then ...
White House To Celebrate Motown With Tribute Concert
Isn't that special?
Am I the only one who Hopes for Change and soon?
o yea let em eat cake!..sickening Cube..I mean REALLY!
I love the graphic except she never looks this elegant. Did she wear ski pants at Vale? Just wondering...
WomanHonorThyself: Cake? There aren't enough calories in mere cake. Moochelle demands more than that!!!!
Jan: The graphic was Photoshopped because there is no way Moochelle would look classy in a photo... it's just not her style.
If MO was wearing ski pants at Vale, the WH tailors must've
surely let them out as a result of her fatty-fatty-fat-fat braised rib din din.
It's good to be the queen. it's not so good to be one of her subjects.
If it wasn't true, it would be funny. Absolutely disgusting.
Woman beat me to it, let them eat cake
I have to admit, I'd suffer through having to breathe that awful couple's air in the same room if I could be at that Motown Tribute!! :-)
If Marvin Gaye was alive and performing, I'd even sit in THE ONE's LAP!! naa...no I wouldn't :-) Even for Marvin Gaye...."Mercy, mercy ME!"
Fiddling while Rome burns.
Savage went on a tear about this.
It's unreal. I feel like I live in an alternate reality.
Obama's type of change needs a total makeover. The liberty lovin' type of change is coming soon. I can't wait until that happens.
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