Kerry's approach for America's war on terror is for us to get back to the place where we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance.
Back to the place where we were...before September 11th, when we were all safe & sound & snug in our beds? lists 41 majorincidents between 1968-1998, including but not limited to the following:
1972 Olympic games in Munich. Deathtoll: 11 members of Israeli Olympic team
1983 U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Deathtoll: 83
1983 Gulf Air plane. Deathtoll: 166 passengers
1983 Marine barracks in Beirut. Deathtoll: 241 Marines
1984 U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Deathtoll 15
1985 Cruise ship Achille Lauro hijacking. Deathtoll: 1
1988 Pam Am flight 103. Deathtoll 259 passengers.
1993 World Trade Center bombing. Deathtoll 6, 1000 injured.
1995 Tokyo subway nerve gas released. Deathtoll: 12
1995 The Murrah Federal building bombing in Oklahoma City.Deathtoll:168
1996 Khobar Tower bombing. Deathtoll: 19+
1998 U.S. Embassies bombed in Kenya & Tanzania.
2000 USS Cole bombing in Yemen. Deathtoll: 17 crewmembers
It is Kerry's own anti-war worldview that disqualifies him to lead our nation. His
views about Vietnam and Nicaragua are of the 'blame America first' variety. His voting record in the Senate included being against every weapon system that came his way, voting against the Persian Gulf War, and proposing to reduce the intelligence budget after the WTC bombing in 1993.
The very notion that terrorism is a criminal justice problem is a dangerous belief system for our president to hold. We must continue to take this fight to the terrorists, whatever it takes.
Just ask the terrorists who they'd rather see in the White House come January. You can bet your life they won't say 'W', and just what does that say?
Flush the Johns!
Vote Dubya.