Thursday, January 26, 2006


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George Galloway, the bloviation-prone Respect Party MP, was voted off the UK reality show, "Big Brother", after 21 days.

Yikes! Does this look anything like reality to you?


cube said...

Goodness, what a screed. A pox on both their houses!

Jen said...

Yeah sure. Isn't that what your house is like?

Sar said...

I have no idea what you're talking about, but that was an awfully disturbing image, one that may haunt me the rest of the day. Gee thanks Cube. ;)

tlm said...

I know the English aren't the most beautiful people on Earth, but that photo is still awfully scary!

Jamie Dawn said...

Galloway is an irritating menace with diarrhea of the mouth. The other "guy" is just, plain hitonious.

MCF said...

Man, Dabney Coleman and Michael Jackson have really let themselves go....

cube said...

LOL! You're lucky I left out the part about Galloway pretending to be a cat lapping milk from a saucer held by Rula Lenska. Apparently Rula is not too busy showing friends around London anymore & has time to do ridiculous British reality shows.