Friday, September 26, 2008

GOP Crop Circle

AMAZING!: Palin Carved Into Ohio Cornfield

The 16 acre corn maze near the town of Whitehouse (pun?) took an artist from Idaho at least 8 hours to mow.

Wow. And all I have are yard signs on my lawn.


Brooke said...

I wish I could go see it, but this is too far north of my part of Ohio!


Brooke said...

Whitehouse. Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Give me the address, i have nothing to do today...

Jan said...

That is funny. It isn't like the crop circles done from outer space,is it?

Papa Frank said...

You beat me to this one too, dang you!!! I saw this last night and was going to post on it when I came home from work today. It's a great likeness of her but just a bit "corny". HEE HEE HEE

David Amulet said...

Next from Tina Fey:

"I can see crop circles form my hoose!"

cube said...

brooke: Sorry to hear. I mean, couldn't you imagine getting lost in a conservative corn maze for a change? Basically, they're pretty liberal OR apolitical ;-)

dd2: That's the spirit. But ask brooke, because I'm out in Tampa & have no clue.

cube said...

jan: Ha. Are you insinuating that aliens are for the GOP? ;-)

papa frank: Hey, you beat me to the 'corny' bit...

In the blogiverse, one day you're the statue, and the next day you're the pigeon. It's all good in the end.

d.a.: clever but corny.

BeckEye said...

Okay, now I'm starting to think that these are fake. I saw one of these carved into the shape of David Archuleta's face the other day.

Either this stuff is fake or there are a lot of obesessive people out there!

BeckEye said...

Then again, if I lived on a farm or something, there might be a Michael Johns corn maze, where I would go to get lost in his eyes.*

*I didn't just come up with that cornball line. Some lunatic housewife said it about the Little Archie maze.

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