Tuesday, September 02, 2008

No Honors

Obama's Years At Columbia Are A Mystery: He Graduated Without Honors

Why doesn't this surprise me.


Maybe BO will release the records of his murky past when John F. Kerry releases his war records.


David Amulet said...

In the interests of fairness--other candidates have released their school records, I'd like his to be open, too.

But other than that fairness angle, his school records don't interest me a bit. It didn't matter to me that Bush's marks sucked, and I really don't care about Obama's grades, either. Let's focus on his policies and plans, which are fodder enough.

cube said...

Grades were never that important until Bush's C average became fodder for MSM fun. Then they found out that al gore & john kerry both had a lower C averages than W.

Heh heh.

Jan said...

Didn't Clinton withhold his medical records?

WomanHonorThyself said...

dont hold yer breath girl!.ha

Chuck said...

Obama's school records must be in the same file as his brth certificate.

Anonymous said...


Obobo couldn't get honors with a poli sci major???


The easiest major on any campus and he couldn't put the doobers down long enough to get B's in his afirmative action kindergarten!

Oh and his campaign compares to Gov. Palin's experience as a governer.

And Castro jogs in that running costume he wears too!

Sure, Obobo is qualified.



cube said...

jan: Yes, the great bent one never released more than the most minimal of medical information.

woman: Believe me, I'm not hopeful that he will release anything but the most minimal of records, if any at all. The left always gets to hide their dirt.

chuck: lol! There you go.

QQ: lol! The left is desperately trying to prop up the bona fides of an unqualified, liberal socialist who can read a teleprompter. I'd be nervous too if that's all I could bring to the table.

Brooke said...

LOL, Chuck!

Yeah, I'm betting there are a few 'F's in there...

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