FACT CHECK: Don't Quote Sotomayor On That, Senator Honestly, it doesn't matter if Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy ran interference for Judge Sotomayor's wise Latina comments by leaving out the part where she said that she hopes that a wise Latina, "would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
Honestly, it doesn't matter how hard the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee grill Sotomayor and make her squirm and deny that she made statements that would give many people pause by her record of judicial activism.
Honestly, you could have video of her eating at an all you can eat buffet of live kittens and she would still be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States.
This is an exercise in futility.
Getting things rammed down our throats is par for the course, people, when we have abrogated total and complete power to the Democrats.
You get what you vote for.
Remember that in 2010.