Check it out. AFCO Technologies in San Antonio, Texas got $1,444,100 in stimulus money for "REPAIR DOOR BLDG 5112".
Recovery.gov Contracts - Recipient Summary
Either that's a typo or that was one hell of a door.
Our small door and hardware installation business could use a contract like that, but I guess you have to be an Obama supporter to qualify.
And there you have it... the reason we are in debt. Where is the smart government shopper?
There is no such thing. That's why our tax dollars are better left with the taxpayer rather than handing them over to the greedy profitmongers who couldn't spot a bargain if it Gibbs-slapped them on the back of the head.
Let's not get started on Obama!
I'm sure these will just keep coming. Imagine what an aspirin will cost with govt. healthcare.
Gabaloo: BO is the engine driving all of this socialist crap. How can we avoid getting started on him?
Jan: After Obamacare, aspirin will cost so much that oldsters after age 55 won't be allowed to get them on their insurance plans. Anyone that old who still voted for hopey-changey Obama shouldn't be surprised. At their age, they should know better.
The government is ruining this country. Worse yet, all the Baptist freaks and inbred rednecks in Jacksonville are ruining Duval county for everyone. I pray that Jesus comes down and saves us all - or just ends it all.
Joan: I agree that BO's liberal government is ruining this country, but you lost me at the part when you pray that Jesus comes down & ends it all. I'm looking for a solution that is intermediate to that end. How about some republicans with a backbone?
None of this waste inside the US is as bad as the billions in the stimulus that went to foreign aid.
dmarks: True. Money that we can ill afford with our current economic state.
That said, we can't afford outrageous porky perks here at home either.
the door was actually $246k, for a hangar door. see:
can i get the government to pay me for blogging?
I sure hope it was a typo...
But would I be surprised if it weren't?
Transparency and fully accounting for all that money is something we will never see and the MSM will never demand or investigate. It's disgraceful.
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