The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism by having the government take over everything!
Tokens include a bus, a teleprompter, a sprig of arugula and a waffle iron.
Wanna play? No??? Too bad, you're already playing... But, in this game, nobody wins!
[The BLOG note: Hat tip to eldest cubelet's friend A.R. for this. Wishing you a speedy recovery, kiddo.]
"Go to Camp. Do Not Collect Welfare."
"Free Porking."
Very, very clever.
Oh, this is going to every email in my address book.
Ananda Girl: Yes, I thought so too. It takes some effort to get around the whole board, but it is worth it. Hee hee.
Jan: Glad you liked it. Share it with impunity.
It takes effort to get around the board, but if you make donations to ACORN, you will get around the board a lot quicker.
I like board games, but this is one board game I'll never have in my house.
"Race Card"
This is better than Clintonopoly with its cigar, shredder, and blue dress icons.
Check out the game at /www.obamanopolythegame.com. Play as one of six characters, each with their own "more-equal" ability. Mass inflation has wrecked havoc, and everything is lubriciously expensive. Check It Out!
Thanks anonymous, but I'll pass. The reality of Obama's horrific economic policies is bad enough without dealing with it on my downtime.
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