The Beer Summit, a.k.a the Re-Education of Sergeant Crowley will take place at a picnic table near the White House at 6PM today...
Obama's White House 'Beer Summit' Becomes Something of a Brouhaha
At least Crowley is smart enough to take his lawyer with him.
i'd be very careful about what i were to drink if i were going...just sayin'...perhaps he could have a "taster" like yassir arafat?
First, I wouldn't have gone until Gates apologized to my mother - in person.
Second, I sure as heck wouldn't be seen drinking a beer in public, knowing that I most likely had to drive myself later...
Third, bud light? yuck! And that from someone who quit drinking a looooong time ago...
nanc: lo. I think it would be safe just this once because the eyes of the world are watching.
cary: Good point. Maybe Crowley should've brought his mother. Gates is bringing his family along.
I beg to differ about Bud Light. Personally, I've had better, but I like it. Of course, BO, a man with his expensive cultivated tastes, is just drinking it to appeal to Everyman in America... OK, everyman except you, Cary ;-)
nanc: I meant to type lol. Note to self: Preview comment before hitting publish. lol.
I think it's more of a brew-ha-ha!
I think they ought to drink Terminator Stout... made in Portland, Oregon where they know how to make a real dark beer.
Oh but wait... won't that bring up the color issue? And what's up with that... he's drinking a "light" beer... is there something wrong with dark beer? I hate to throw the beer coaster down here, but I'm just sayin....
This has got to be the most stupidest and worthless thing I have ever heard of in my entire life.
Obama's attempt at Kumbayahing this thing to death in order to cover up his own racism - if that were a black cop doing the arrest, Obama wouldn't have said a word.
But guess what, thanks to WHITE GUILT, this became an issue of race because too many white people in America still feel guilty over slavery and that should NOT be the case.
But I also heard there will be blue moons served as well.
I love Blue Moon.
Anyway, I'm still laughing about this whole situation because it's just like the plot of "Amos and Andrew," except for the part where Nicolas Cage comes and takes everyone hostage.
Just anohter photo op, yawn.
As far as Bud Light, I used to support the Clydesdales when I was younger drinking it. I like Bud Light.
Good for Crowley for taking the lawyer. This guy is smart. HE should run for office. Oh, wait, I just said he's smart, didn't I?
Ananda Girl: Brew-ha-ha. You beat me to it. Kudos to you, punster.
I don't care how it would go over with a girly-man like BO, but I would love to try Terminator Stout. It sounds delish.
Steve Harkonnen: I think BO is acting stupidly by having this 'beery getogether'. Then again, I thougt BO acted stupidly when he commented on this situation before he had all the facts. I guess it makes it a stupid squared situation.
Tomorrow, we may even have a stupid situation cubed.
Beckeye: I've never tried it, but I know that this is going to send Blue Moon beer sales through the roof. I'm going out & buying some myself. I'll let you and Nicolas Cage know if I think it's tasty
Chuck: Bud Light isn't my favorite beer, but I drink it. I think BO picked it because he is just pretending to be one of those people who call themselves average Americans.
RightKlik: I agree. Bringing a lawyer to the re-education fest is the smartest thing I've heard from Crowley thus far. He needs to even up the odds.
Government by Beer Summit?
Well, now that you put it like that Cube, I think it has legs, that's a government I could get behind!
Hell, even if they kept doing a lousy job, at least we'd all feel relaxed and unconscious about the whole thing. :-)
Caz: You make it sound so much better than it really is. I see it as an indoctrination session for Crowley where he might not get a word in edgewise considering the known verbosity of his picnic table-mates. Thank goodness he had the foresight to bring a lawyer to the beer festivites.
Some days, looking at the world through "beer goggles" is much more fun than the alternative Cube. :-)
Caz: I will certainly drink to that
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